About Hong Kong
This part of China was Colonized by the British for several years. Great Britain gave it back to China in 1997. China has cleverly kept it as a seperate country keeping in mind the great income Hong Kong earns from Tourism. They have their own Money - HONGKONG DOLLAR equvalent of Rs.5/.
Photo One - View of Hong Kong from Victoria`s Peak
Photos 2 & 3 - Globes made fully from Precious Stones

Photo 7- The expensive Yachts owned by Millionaires docked in a separate part of the harbour.

Photo 8- The houses of the poor fishermen who live. Cook, eat, bathe & sleep on these boats. They are not allowed to throw any waste or human excreta in the harbour. It is stored in tanks under the boat and taken to mid sea and then disposed off. The harbour is so clean.
Photo 9 - The boat is called a SAMPAN.

Photo 11- The lobby of our hotel The Regal Kowloon.

Photos 12, 13 & 14 - This place is called REPULSE BAY a hillock facing the sea and the most expensive place of stay in Hongkong where all the Millionaires & Billionaires live. Jakie Chan lives in 99 Repulse Bay.

Hi uncle... Semma Photos... Very interesting and informative....
Srividhya & Sudha.
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